12 Magic Nights
Ever since I was a little girl, I loved traditions. Especially around Christmas when everything felt magical. I couldn’t wait to open that box of Christmas tree ornaments and see Snoopy in a bell, the beautiful ballerina, the reindeer made out of popsicle sticks, the exotic ornaments my grandparents brought me from another country, and the ornaments with each of our names on it. I couldn’t wait for that special time with my sister; singing Christmas songs and cutting out a million paper snowflakes that we were so excited to show our parents. I couldn’t wait for the annual trip to the Nutcracker with our mom- our chance to get all dressed up and go to the ballet. I can still feel the excitement I had for our family get togethers and time with my cousins. And camping out in the living room until late with my parents on New Years Eve, drinking too much soda and watching the ball drop. It was the same thing ever year and I didn’t want it any other way.
It was so special.
But, time goes on and traditions change for one reason or another. For me, it was the sudden passing of my father right after Christmas when I was 18. The most joyful, predictable, light-filled time of the year became filled with grief, emptiness and darkness. It took a lot of years to start feeling any sense of normalcy in general and there was something about life-long traditions changing that shook me to my core. I suddenly couldn’t find certainty and predictability and I was too young to realize I had to find those things within myself.
More years passed and traditions came and went, as things do in life. I had been telling myself for years that I wanted a tradition all my own that created that same sense of magic and excitement I felt when I was younger. But honestly everything I was doing felt forced so I let it go. I decided I didn’t need traditions to find magic and that feeling of stability and that I would just find them in the ordinary moments of life. And so I did!
“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”
Then just a couple years ago I was talking to a dear friend from Germany who told me about a tradition I might be interested in called Rauhnächte; also know as the 12 Rough Nights, the 12 Sacred Nights, the 12 Holy Nights, or as I call them now….the 12 Magic Nights. I did a little research and found that this tradition/ritual originated 1,000s of years ago with the Celtic and Germanic tribes of Europe. At that time, they followed the lunar and solar calendar; the lunar year containing 12 full moons within 354 days, and the solar calendar with 365 days. This left a difference of 12 days each year, the darkest days, which is considered to be the “time between years” or the “time within time”. These 12 Magical Nights between Christmas (December 25) and the Epiphany (January 6) are believed to be a time of retreat, reflection and a connection to other levels of reality. It is said that the “veil” between the physical/earthly world and the spiritual world is almost transparent at this time, making it easier to tap into the deeper level of the soul. We become more sensitive, our dreams may be more active and our intuition is heightened. And so certain rituals were performed to take advantage of this special time. I was immediately drawn to this!
RITUAL: rituals are anything we give attention to and make sacred.
I was already feeling excited about gathering the few things I needed for this time. Some sage or palo santo, a candle, my favorite mug, a nice pen, and a new journal. Each of the 12 days looks something like this:
Dreams: Before going to bed, I set the intention to remember my dreams. First thing in the morning, I grab my journal and write down what I dreamt.
Lighting a candle and meditating: Then I make a coffee or a tea, and sit down with my journal. But first, I light a candle and meditate- even if for 5 minutes to feel calm and centered in myself. Really, 5 minutes makes a world of difference.
Journaling: Each day I chose a theme for my journal prompts which really helped me to process and focus. But, you don’t have to do that. Most importantly, just don’t overthink it. Forget grammar and punctuation and complete sentences, and just let it flow. In the evening I wrote down any important things that happened during the day. It’s important to be mindful through the day and observe the surroundings, animals and people, thoughts and feelings, the weather, and to notice what messages, emails or letters arrive. These are all signs of the Universe talking. Let go of the need to make sense of anything and just record what you feel is meaningful.
Oracle Card: After some writing, I pull an oracle card to give some guidance for the day and beyond. You can use runes, tarot cards, oracle cards, the i-ching….or other divination tool.
Burning a Wish: At the start of the 12 days, you write 13 wishes that you have for yourself. Without looking at them, you burn one each day and then you are left with one at the end that you look at and put effort into. The universe will take care of the rest of them!
Each day of the 12 Magic Nights represents a month of the upcoming year and is a prediction into what that month may bring. I think this was one of my favorite parts because each month I look back at my journal and have been AMAZED at how many things have lined up.
This year, I am waiting for the 12 Magic Nights like a child waits for Christmas. These days again are filled with magic, awe and wonder that I intentionally find in all the small moments. I am so grateful for this tradition.
If you’d like to join me, or you know someone who would love this too, I have developed a simple program to guide you along. You can get more information on it HERE.
I wish you many days of magic and wonder!