Theta Healing
What is Theta? There are five brain waves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, Gamma. Theta is the brainwave most dominant when we are dreaming, under hypnosis and in deep meditation. Theta waves are strong during internal focus, prayer, and spiritual awareness.
ThetaHealing® is a type of energy work that involves going into the theta brainwave in order to help reprogram limiting beliefs stored in the subconscious; while also teaching the corresponding feelings you need to create new, healthier beliefs. Theta Healing sessions combine deep energy work and quantum physics principles (being a witness) to create emotional relief. It allows us to begin to heal inner conflict by going into the subconscious minds; where the source of our suffering, unhealthy patterns, and blocks lie. By offering information, the release of old beliefs and the energy of Unconditional love- healing happens.
What to expect?
During a session, we are simply sitting and speaking. I will go through a guided visualization that will allow a witnessing of the self from a higher, truer, and clearer perspective; allowing for change, creation and evolution to take place. My intention is to “lighten” your emotional, physical and spiritual state, help uncover insights, and begin to re-write/release you from your sticky patterns.
Every session is personally structured to fit your needs and offer the best results for you.
Come into the session with an intention of creating positive change and any particular area(s) you’d like to work with. Although sessions tend to go to unexpected places at times, having a common goal gives our time together more direction and purpose.
Session Details:
Each session lasts one hour.
Please be well hydrated and if at all possible, calm. Even just 5 minutes to yourself before we start will make a difference. It’s best if you’re in a quiet place where you have privacy.
You may also choose to bring paper and a pen, or something to voice record the session if you would like to re-listen to it later.
Costs: $60 per hour
Send me a message to book your session.